Joining Forces: Driftless and Factbird Empowering Manufacturers

Joining Forces: Driftless and Factbird Empowering Manufacturers

Driftless Precision Products, Ltd. has joined forces with manufacturing innovator Factbird! As a consultancy partner for Factbird, Driftless hopes to empower manufacturers to find intelligent digital solutions that help them meet their manufacturing excellence goals with ease.

Factbird has revolutionized the world of manufacturing with their advanced digital solutions. Founded in Denmark, a land celebrated for its innovation and creative design, they have expended their horizons across the globe, leaving a profound impact in Europe and the USA.

Their mission is to redefine the boundaries of manufacturing intelligence, promoting operational efficiency, enhanced process optimization, and sustainable practices.

Factbird is an end-to-end manufacturing intelligence solution that simplifies data gathering and analysis for all manufacturers. 

With this solution at your fingertips, you can finally take charge of your manufacturing efficiency and redefine the boundaries of success.

✔️ No equipment upgrades required
✔️ No IT integrations necessary
✔️ Production remains uninterrupted

How it works

Factbird automatically collects manufacturing data from sensors, PLCs, and cameras using Factbird® edge devices or from your equipment's PLC.

The data is securely transmitted to the Factbird Cloud, skipping various complex automation layers, and transformed into real-time actionable insights.

Manufactures using Factbird see significant OEE increase after only 1 year!
(based on customer data, between June 2016 and December 2022)

Contact Driftless Precision Product Today to Request a Demo! 

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